Monday, February 18, 2013


Ahh!  Today is President's Day and I have the day off.  Slept in a little.  Ran the vacuum over the bedrooms while my husband is at the gym, then I was drawn to the computer and started reading Carla Sonnheim's blog.  I started back in 2007 and started skimming over her posts.  I have taken a few classes of hers and I wanted to learn a bit more about this wonderful artist.  I so can relate to her past posts.

Now to the Giraffe class, I have been having a few roadblocks this month.  This month we were to create mix media giraffes.  I start working on one and then it ends in the trash.  LOL, I have created one that I really like.  I have put it the side because I am not completely finish with it, but I do not want to mess it up.  I have a few ideas on how to finish it.

Well, need to finish vacuuming and get a shower.  Hubby will be home soon and we have a morning date.


Now, I need to learn how to add pictures!

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