Saturday, January 19, 2013


As I sit on my couch this fine Saturday afternoon, I find myself procrastinating.  I had great plans for today, but so far they have not panned out.  First, I was going to join a conference call with Carla Sonheim and the other artists that signed up for her year long class.  Well I forgot, I ended up at the Belleville Flea Market this morning with my husband.  Had a great time there, but I won't get another chance to chat till next month, but then the flea market is only once a month.  I still have a few odd Christmas items out and the reason why you might be wondering,  I had planned to go through every box we have and get rid of items I have not used or displayed in years.  Well, that plan was a no go.  Checked out some of the works on the Flickr today of the latest giraffes.  Great stuff.  So I grabbed my sketch book, some drawing pencils and they are sitting right beside me, but I have yet started to draw.  I am feeling guilty about the Christmas items sitting out, but I have another excuse for not finishing it right now, is my husband is working the 3rd shift at his job for the next 3 months, and he is sleeping.  So, shhhhhh, I need to be quiet.


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